- Setting up of Healing Sessions. How do you place yourself locally towards your client when s/he is seated or lying on a surface? The practice of Hand placements, Hand movements for practical application of Healing Magnetism with Hands
- Exercises to sensitize yourself for your own and other people’s energy fields. Testing the energy field by using the sensitivity of your hands only.
- How to decide which treatments are needed in the session. General information you do need to inform your clients about previous to the session.
- We then practice: Feet and Hand Treatment. Leg treatment. Ethereal Bridge Treatment along the Governing Vessel.
- Chakra Treatment. Pain origins and Organ field Treatment.
- Intuitive Perception Empowerment treatment. Treatment of Body Polarities- full body and partial areas. Healing Radiation Bath with different colour vibrations. Treating emotional issues that come up in clients during sessions.
- Therapeutic Practitioner dialogue and discovering of ill making inner believes and metaphors in the clients perceptions and how to help.
- You will learn how to actively help clients to process negative emotions and you will be able to accurately decipher with using your hands if emotions are processed.
- Transition Treatment and closing of the session. After cleansing. Insurance and paperwork summary. Additional questions will be answered at that stage as well.
Enroll to the IICT (International Institute for Complementary Therapies) accredited training here (for payment in installments please use contact form)
Accredited BioMagnetic Healing with Hands Training
Invitation to study BioMagnetic Healing with Hands with an Award Winning Healing with Hands Practitioner who actively treats her own clients daily using the methods she is teaching in her training. Go from a confused understanding about Energy Healing or BioMagnetic Healing to profound understandings and true knowledge that will be able to change your entire life for the better.
Mid Year special $650
This is the time to become an accredited Healing Magnetism with Hands Practitioner and Energy Healer. Take advantage of our huge fee reduction currently. Learn how to help yourself and others with Healing Magnetism. Help to make the world a better and lighter place for everyone living on it.
This highly acclaimed course is for serious students only who wish to invest the necessary pre-study time in order to complete an internationally accredited Training in BioMagnetic Healing with Hands. This course teaches Healing Magnetism with Hands combined with spiritual and energy Healing. You will learn how to use the Magnetism of your own body and/or magnetic energy derived from the ethereal realm to use for Healing purposes. These currents can be absorbed and given on, to enhance the health and wellbeing of human beings on a physical, on a Soul and Spirit level. All just mentioned concepts are in detail explained in this training. There is no space for esoteric fog but you will gain an inner security and conviction through the experiences you will make while being facilitated during this training.
In how far you will be able to absorb Healing Energy is something we can guide you to, but this depends on your individual readiness and yearning to open your inner self to the radiations of the Universe or the Cosmos, or the Spheres of our existence, depending on how you comprehend it and what that actually is. We will assist you in learning and expanding your understanding of BioMagnetism, and to clarify for you how that all "works".
Part of the early stages of the course, are exchanges between students and tutor where we seek to assist you to come to a higher understanding of 2 crucial aspects of human existence. 1. What is the purpose and meaning of human existence. 2. What must we as individuals have the yearning for and strive to fulfil what it is that we must accomplish in this earth life. Through this, we will learn to understand (comprehend), how we ourselves can open ourselves to the streams of these powers and radiations, that permeate the spheres of our existence, at each level that we at any time can find ourselves residing. You will be able to delve into these life changing themes during the 9 Units of pre-study in your training. (700 pages, includes many colored images)
During the 10 hours of face to face or Skype or Zoom practical training, we practice the application of Healing Magnetism in the frame of your work as a Practitioner until you can Master all the vital aspects of how to help others with the application of BioMagnetic Healing with Hands.
The BioMagnetic Healing with Hands, Healing Magnetism and Energy Healing Practitioner course leads to an internationally recognized Certification in Healing Magnetism, accredited by the International Institute for Complementary Therapists. This means that as a graduate of this BioMagnetic Healing course you will be eligible to receive professional membership and practitioner insurance for your business.
- Upon successful completion of the course assignments and practical part you will:Receive the BioMagnetic Healing with Hands Practitioner Certification Approved Training
- Be eligible to join the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT).
- Receive a 'Certified BioMagnetic Healing with Hands Practitioner’ badge that
you may display on your website and marketing materials.
Membership with IICT gives you access to many member benefits, including discounted practitioner insurance in 26 countries.
If you join IICT as an BioMagnetic Healing with Hands Practitioner, you receive Discount Practitioner Insurance (save hundreds $$$), Internationally Recognised Membership Certificate and more.
Accreditation with IICT demonstrates our joint commitment to maintaining the highest standards of quality and professionalism within the healing industry.
The fees include Nine Units (700 pages) that will lead you to a thorough understanding of BioMagnetic Healing and Energy Healing. Each Unit has Assignment questions and exercises for you to complete and send to your tutor who will reply to you with a personal feedback and supportive additional clarifications. The Units are presented in PDF book format and contain a lot of colourful images.
You can contact your tutor any time during your training with questions relating to the Training material and also book extra free Skype sessions as long as the content of the Skype sessions refer to the training material.
Instead of sitting in a classroom somewhere listening to your tutor, you save time and money to study at your own time in the comfort of your home.
Please be aware that the pre-study time for students can take up to one year to complete. This course involves a lot of reading and self reflection as well as Assignment work to be completed and answers to be prepared by you that will take up your energy and time. Each Unit demands extensive focus and time to complete. Only serious students are welcome. How mentioned before, should questions arise during your studies, you can book a phone or skype/zoom call with your tutor or ask your questions via email. All contact with your tutor should be focused on the subject at hand, and not on individual experiences. Extra charges apply in that regard. Students are asked to be open for new insights and different viewpoints on life. This course is truly life changing. (Please read through the feedbacks on our What clients say page.)
After completion of your distance learning part, you receive 2 days of face to face practical training or 10 hours Skype training with a highly experienced Healing Magnetism Practitioner who sees clients on a daily basis. You will be able to review the practical part that is already integrated in the work you will complete with the 9 BMH Units. You can also send a video to your tutor to show the correct hand placements, in order to complete your training quicker and reduce practical training time.
Usually our time we spend with serious students goes way and beyond what any other training offers out there.
At successful completion of your training you will receive the accredited BioMagnetic Healing with Hands Certificate (Practitioner Level ) and are eligible to receive insurance via the IICT. (International Institute for Complementary Therapists)
Is there a refund/cancellation policy?
Yes, we have a 10-day money-back refund guarantee. Just send us an email to [email protected] with the subject Courses, so we can accommodate your request.
Please contact us within 10 calendar days of your purchase and before you have started to significantly use your tutors time and focus. You can naturally have a conversation with your tutor via phone/zoom or skype after you have received your first Unit via email. Please read through the entire Unit in order for you to grasp the nature of this training. Should you wish to cancel the training and receive a refund, please do that not later as 10 days after booking of the training. Refund will only be granted in the 10 day frame. Contact us on [email protected]
The study of this training also is a pathway to help yourself. It will support also you in your own healing journey. The lighter we become the more light we can absorb to give on to others. Join me on this truly life changing healing journey.
Advanced Practitioner Certification and Seminar Conductor (Level 1) Certification IICT approved
1. Learn how to conduct Distance Healing.
2. Become able to hold an introductory workshop for parents or other interested individuals or groups and teaching others how to use Healing Magnetism in self-help.
You receive a printable Manual, an advanced Practitioner Certificate and a Seminar Conductor (Level 1) Certificate and are eligible for insurance via the IICT
Training can also be concluded via Skype training (with camera)
The seminar was fantastic. I’ve never attended a course as meaningful as what I did with the BMH course.
What made the seminar so special is the trainer: Mrs. Grace, who is so graceful and dedicated to making sure I do understand what she taught and be able to do the therapy. Steven S.
Skype training sessions can be booked at any time from anywhere...
Edeltraud helps, heals & trains clients & their children internationally
Highly accredited, widely endorsed, deeply trusted & tirelessly active...
Time slipped by so fast as the session became so effective, with us unaware that the time in the neighborhood of 11:00 to 12:00 o’clock. I’ve never met an instructor as devoted as Edel. I can’t tell you how lucky (and happy) I was.
I was directly trained by a well-grounded teacher who knows not only how to do the therapy but also why things have to be performed as such. I feel so lucky and blessed.