Individually prepared Bach Flower Remedy mix with up to 7 Remedies. Choose yourself.
(Australian Customers only. For customers outside Australia we add extra postal fees. Please contact us directly)
Short Consultation via phone, Skype or Whats app or via email exchange to help you choose the appropriate Bach Flower Remedies. We mix then the Remedies and send them to you via post.
We send Remedies Australia wide. Please contact us for Consultation only (US clients can order their Remedy mix with a Bach Flower Remedy practitioner we can recommend to you) Consultation without Remedy mix is $ 80
![]() The original Bach Flower Remedies were discovered by Dr Edward Bach in the 1930s.
Dr Bach devoted his life to finding a safe, simple and effective answer to people's distress. Through research and the rigorous study of human nature, he became convinced that at the heart of all the distress and disease lay an imbalance in emotional outlook and that our fear, suspicion, anger, greed, discouragement and other negative feelings may stand in the way of our contentment, joy, inner peace and good health. He went onto develop 38 plant and flower remedies which correct and rebalance the body's energies and emotions. These are divided into 7 headings:
The Bach Flower Remedies are known worldwide. The Rescue Remedy mix can even be purchased now in the medication section of my local supermarket here in Melbourne/Australia. The Rescue Remedy mix contains the Flower Essence Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem, Impatiens and Clematis. But there are 38 different Flower Essences which can be mixed in a variety of combinations, depending on what the person needs. To find the individual Remedies in Melbourne in shops is proving increasingly difficult and to buy online up to 7 Remedies and purchase a Remedy bottle etc. can be complicated and quite costly. Since I completed my Diploma in Flower Essences in 2005 I use the Bach Remedies diligently with my own clients and family. Old people, middle aged people, young people and children all love and experience the balancing and helping effects of this simple system of healing. Choose your Bach Flower Remedy or book an email consultation Choose Remedies for your child How just mentioned I do hold an accredited Diploma in Flower Essences (I am entitled to use the letters BSYA(F. Ess)) and specialise in mixing these Remedies for you and sending it via post, so that you do not need to purchase the individual Remedies yourself. Please note: I do not sell individual Remedies but the Remedy mix. The cost for one Remedy mix is $31 and it can contain up to 7 Flower Essences. Simply get in touch with me via our contact form jotting down the names of the Remedies you would like me to send to prepare for you in one Remedy mix and include your postal address. After I have received your payment via our store, I mix you the Remedies and send them to you on the next business day. (Only $ 31 compared to $180 should you have to order them online or buy them in a health food shop as full mother tincture bottles). You are invited to choose the Flower Essences yourself (please scroll down for their description) or if you feel you need help you can also send me an email with a photo of your face and full body photo (fully clothed) as well as information about your current situation and history. Write your personal story
Then I will send you the Remedy mix via post. The consultation inclusive Remedy mix does cost $105 and includes a consultation process and suggestion for suitable Remedies, the Bach Flower Remedy mix send to you (in Australia) and information about Healing Reactions. Should you wish to receive the consultation only please book session here via your payment. Send me an email that you wish a Bach Flower Consultation only. Registered Bach Flower Practitioner in the USA who can also mix your own chosen Remedies: Kyra Walsh - Contact [email protected] 202-288-7566 More info about Kyra Walsh in the USA you find here Below you can see the alphabetical listing which explains how each remedy aids a specific emotion. In general you can take remedies one at a time or mix them together. The remedies are natural and completely safe and can be used by all the family. They are completely safe to use during pregnancy. They can even be used effectively to help plants and animals-and because they work in such a gentle way, they are free of side-effects. Descriptions of how to take them will be included in your package. Agrimony Puts on a cheerful face to hide problems Aspen Have unexplained fears and worries, are nervous and anxious Centaury Have difficulty in saying no and are anxious to please Beech Are critical and intolerant of others Cerato Doubt your own ability to judge situations Cherry Plum Fear losing control, are in a state of deep despair Chestnut Bud Fail to learn from experience, repeating the same mistakes Chicory Are overly possessive, expect others to conform to your values Clematis Day-dream and generally have a lack of interest in the present Crab Apple Have a poor self-image, are ashamed or embarrassed by unpleasant physical symptoms, characteristics or features Elm Feel overwhelmed or burdened by responsibility Gentian Are easily discouraged, hesitant and despondent Gorse Feel hopelessness and despair, and are pessimistic Heather Are self-absorbed, dislike being alone, and are excessively talkative Holly Have feelings of extreme jealousy, are envious and suspicious Honeysuckle Live in the past, feeling homesick or nostalgic Hornbeam Get the "Monday morning" feeling, doubting the ability to face the day´s work Impatiens Are impatient and easily irritated Larch Lack self-confidence, and feel inferior Mimulus Have a fear rooted in known causes i.e. spiders, flying, death Mustard Experience unexplained deep gloom Oak Are driven by a strong sense of duty, and struggle on although exhausted Olive Feel exhausted in body and mind Pine Feel full of guilt and blame yourself for other people´s mistakes Red Chestnut Are over-anxious or over-concerned for other people's mistakes Rescue Remedy Are in a demanding or stressful situation Rock Rose Have experienced terror, have been frozen in fear and feel helpless Rock Water Are inflexible, setting yourself very high standards Scleranthus Suffer from indecision Star of Bethlehem Have experienced shock, grief or fright Sweet Chestnut Are at the limits of endurance and in deep despair Vervain Are over-enthusiastic, argumentative with fixed principles and ideas Vine Are strong-willed with a tendency to be domineering or inflexible Walnut Face major life changes, are in need of protection from the influences of others Water Violet Prefer to be alone, or are proud, and aloof White Chestnut Have unwanted thoughts, preoccupations, and worries Wild Oat Are uncertain as to the correct path in life, dissatisfied with your current lifestyle, and can´t decide which path to follow Wild Rose Make little effort to improve situations Willow Are resentful and have feelings of self-pity, "poor me" Choose any remedies where the statement seems to match the way you feel, but if you choose more than seven, take out any that are less important to you. Choose Remedies for your child More information: Since Bach, the work spread, fulfilling the need for remedies that would help people deal with the issues of the 21st century, resulting in hundreds of different remedies including essences produced from crystals and shells each unique in its healing power. Negative emotions and thoughts, and even diseases are treated by choosing a remedy to match the temperament of the patient and their current state of mind. They are not used directly for physical complaints but for the sufferer's worry and anxiety, as these states of mind are seen as primary causes of illness. The essences work on a vibrational level, allowing the life force to flow more freely as harmony is restored to the body. Up to seven remedies may be chosen and these are combined to make an individual preparation. The 38 Bach Remedies are prepared from wild flowers and the blossoms of trees, except for one remedy that is made of water from a healing well. The remedies come as a liquid, preserved in brandy. The remedies can be taken individually, or up to 7 remedies can be combined together at the same time. They are taken by diluting two drops of each remedy into a 30ml dropper bottle, topped up with mineral water, and then taken as four drops four times a day. Alternatively, the two drops can be added to a glass of water, and sipped 4 times a day. There is only one Bach Flower Remedy which is a pre-mix and it is called "Rescue Remedy". The Rescue Remedy was devised by Dr. Bach to be used mainly in emergency situations or after an accident, physical injury or shock. The Rescue Remedy is made up of five of the Bach remedies: Clematis for faintness, drowsiness and sleepiness; Star of Bethlehem for shock; Rock Rose for extreme fear of terror; Impatiens for irritation and frustration; and Cherry Plum for extreme mental pressure. As Dr Bach, the inventor says in his book Heal Thyself, "Just as God in His mercy has given us food to eat, so has He placed amongst the herbs of the fields beautiful plants to heal us when we are sick. These are there to extend a helping hand to man in those darker hours of forgetfulness when he loses sight of his Divinity, and allows the cloud of fear or pain to obscure his vision." "There is no true healing unless there is a change in outlook, peace of mind, and inner happiness" Dr Edward Bach, 1934 Frequently Asked Questions 1. What are the Bach Flower Essences? They are 38 liquid essences. Each bottle contains the uplifting energy or vibration of a beautiful flower or plant. This positive energy gently and naturally assists with healing emotional difficulties. 2. What can they do? When the correct essences are chosen, they can bring remarkable results. They help restore balance and harmony, which promotes healing of body, mind and soul. Whether you're worried or afraid, have low self-esteem, or feel depressed, these essences can bring relief. 3. Who invented them? Edward Bach, M.D. developed these essences over 70 years ago. His intuition led him to discover that the energy of wildflowers could be used to counter negativity, which he saw as the cause of disease. 4. How do I take the remedies? Take four drops on your tongue at least four times a day-especially upon awakening and going to bed. Or, you can put two drops from a stock bottle into water, and sip throughout the day. 5. Are the remedies safe? They are completely safe and natural. Since they are energy, you can't take an overdose or have any side effects. Please do not discontinue any medication you are presently taking and as a general rule, it's a best to check with your doctor before taking these essences. 6. Can the remedies heal physical problems? No claim is made that they do. However, once the mind is more positive and relaxed, the body's own defence system is revitalised and physical healing often begins to take place. 7. How quickly do they work? Remedies that are used for emergencies or passing moods usually work relatively quickly. When dealing with longer standing problems, it may take weeks or even months to feel significant results. 8. What is Rescue Remedy? Rescue Remedy is a ready-made mixture of five remedies that Dr Bach prepared for emergencies. Take four drops of Rescue Remedy instead of two. Try Rescue Cream for skin conditions such as cuts, bruises, and burns. |
Short Consultation via phone, Skype or Whats app or via email exchange to help you choose the appropriate Bach Flower Remedies. We mix then the Remedies and send them to you via post.
We send Remedies Australia wide. Please contact us for Consultation only (US clients can order their Remedy mix with a Bach Flower Remedy practitioner we can recommend to you) Consultation without Remedy mix is $ 80
Individually prepared Bach Flower Remedy mix with up to 7 Remedies. Choose yourself.
(Australian Customers only. For customers outside Australia we add extra postal fees. Please contact us directly)
In this colourful Beginners Level coursebook, we start with the basic understandings of Body-Soul and Spirit Connection. Then we explore how we can interact, communicate with and influence the BioMagnetic field. We teach you the basic application methods of Healing Magnetism with Hands which you can start to appy straight away.
This book will help you to understand what Healing Magnetism with Hands is and how to use it at a Beginners Level. We also cover the Five Pillars of Health, which are Spiritual Attitude, Nutrition, Skin care, Muscle usage and Sleep and the significance of each aspect in regards to your physical health.
The course book has 207 pages with plenty of colourful images to help you on your journey of discovering the benefits of Healing Magnetism and start to practice Healing Magnetism in self help or helping your family and friends immediately. Reflection questions after each section help you to deepen your understanding.
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(5 PDF downloads available)