Healing Magnetism with Hands and Energy Healing
What is it?
The application of Healing Magnetism is an ancient knowledge that was applied in all cultures. Over time such type of healings slowly was forgotten, whereas nowadays the healing with magnetism gains more and more significance again.
"Healing by magnetism is taking a leading role in the further development of the human race." Abd-ru-shin, author "IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH - THE GRAIL MESSAGE" (Vol. 2 / Lecture 58)
A Healing Magnetism with Hands Practitioner (Magnetopath), can support other human beings in their recovery from a variety of illnesses (physical or emotional) through the so-called magnetism of their bodies or through the transmission of similar currents from the Ethereal World, the beyond!
Healing Magnetism is a serious form of Healing Art and demands therefore also serious people who will with dedication and the desire to truly help humanity occupy themselves with that subject. The ability to absorb Healing Energy is very different between people and there are truly gifted Practitioners and there are less gifted human beings. The absorption of strong Healing Power cannot be taught as this is a Gift given to the individual from Above. In our accredited Training we teach the Laws of the Energy field in great details. To understand how we human beings are connected to the wider Cosmos and how we can support others can be helpful in many a profession. Be it as a Counsellor, Massage Therapist, Psychologist, medical Doctor, naturopath and so on. The Training will help to build a bridge to a reuniting of Body, Soul and Spirit in the areas of emotional and physical healing, something that unfortunately got widely lost in our modern day times.
Therapeutic Magnetism Sessions
Why does BioMagnetic Healing with Hands according to Virtuosity fit so well into Counselling/Coaching and NLP sessions?
"Healing by magnetism is taking a leading role in the further development of the human race." Abd-ru-shin, author "IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH - THE GRAIL MESSAGE" (Vol. 2 / Lecture 58)
A Healing Magnetism with Hands Practitioner (Magnetopath), can support other human beings in their recovery from a variety of illnesses (physical or emotional) through the so-called magnetism of their bodies or through the transmission of similar currents from the Ethereal World, the beyond!
Healing Magnetism is a serious form of Healing Art and demands therefore also serious people who will with dedication and the desire to truly help humanity occupy themselves with that subject. The ability to absorb Healing Energy is very different between people and there are truly gifted Practitioners and there are less gifted human beings. The absorption of strong Healing Power cannot be taught as this is a Gift given to the individual from Above. In our accredited Training we teach the Laws of the Energy field in great details. To understand how we human beings are connected to the wider Cosmos and how we can support others can be helpful in many a profession. Be it as a Counsellor, Massage Therapist, Psychologist, medical Doctor, naturopath and so on. The Training will help to build a bridge to a reuniting of Body, Soul and Spirit in the areas of emotional and physical healing, something that unfortunately got widely lost in our modern day times.
Therapeutic Magnetism Sessions
Why does BioMagnetic Healing with Hands according to Virtuosity fit so well into Counselling/Coaching and NLP sessions?
Intro into Healing Magnetism video1Did you know that we are completely embedded in Magnetism? Watch video 2