Unfortunately my long-term business email address got hacked while I was enjoying an extended holiday in beautiful Germany. For all Virtuosity friends, clients and students please use [email protected] or [email protected]
Thanks heaps or contact via 0416 786 096
"What amazes me the most is the Amount of effort Edel you have put into this course. It really is actually beyond Bio-magnetic healing, It entails so much more. They should drop year one of our education department and just have your course. as this is what we as humans really need to know of and experience first hand before anything else.Thank you Edel i am very grateful to have this opportunity before me." Peter Student Feedback Feb 2024
Unfortunately my long-term business email address got hacked while I was enjoying an extended holiday in beautiful Germany. For all Virtuosity friends, clients and students please use [email protected] or [email protected]
Thanks heaps or contact via 0416 786 096
"What amazes me the most is the Amount of effort Edel you have put into this course. It really is actually beyond Bio-magnetic healing, It entails so much more. They should drop year one of our education department and just have your course. as this is what we as humans really need to know of and experience first hand before anything else.Thank you Edel i am very grateful to have this opportunity before me." Peter Student Feedback Feb 2024
Healing Magnetism with Hands is an ancient method of healing helping the person receiving the treatment to come back to a state of emotional order and harmony, encouraging hereby the self-healing powers of the body. Intuitive clarity is restored, hope awakens and a person comes back from an emotional and physical state of DISORDER into ORDER again. The state of the BioMagnetic field has tremendous affects on all kinds of illnesses of the soul and body. Learn why this is so, understand how you can help yourself and others with the simple and natural usage of Healing Magnetism to restore inner harmony and encourage the self healing powers of the physical body.
Healing Magnetism is a pathway to access cosmic healing energy! Learn how to bring it into your body, soul and spirit and let it effect your life in a harmonizing, ordering, stress releasing and health giving way!
- Completely natural and adapted to human nature
- Safe, comprehensive (affecting all levels of the human being Body, Soul and Spirit), in harmony with the Laws of Nature, logical, down to earth and practical! Scientific proof combined with spiritual knowledge that lead via easy to follow exercises to personal understandings and also to the mastering of how to access healing magnetism and use it for your own and other people's benefit. This training is highly practical and relevant for a person's whole life. The laws of the energy field will be explained in great details, leading to clear vision and profound realizations.
- Learn from an Award Winning, Expert Healing with Hands Practitioner who draws from the Wisdom of the Ages, and who uses Healing Magnetism daily with her own clients, in this highly loved Distance Training
As an accredited Practitioner you can open up your Healing Practice to help your community.
The BioMagnetic Healing with Hands, Healing Magnetism and Energy Healing Practitioner course leads to an internationally recognized Certification in Healing Magnetism, accredited by the International Institute for Complementary Therapists. This means that as a graduate of this BioMagnetic Healing course you will be eligible to receive professional membership and practitioner insurance for your business.
Upon successful completion of the course assignments and practical part you will:
- Receive the BioMagnetic Healing with Hands Practitioner Certification /Approved Training
- Be eligible to join the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT).
- Receive a 'Certified BioMagnetic Healing with Hands Practitioner’ badge that
Membership with IICT gives you access to many member benefits, including discounted practitioner insurance in 26 countries.
If you join IICT as an BioMagnetic Healing with Hands Practitioner, you receive Discount Practitioner Insurance (save hundreds $$$), Internationally Recognized Membership Certificate and more.
Accreditation with IICT demonstrates our joint commitment to maintaining the highest standards of quality and professionalism within the healing industry.
You can find BioMagnetic Healing with Hands listed here under Approved Modalities
IICT Canada
IICT Europe
IICT Australia & New Zealand
Your training will start with Distance Learning

The BioMagnetic Healing with Hands Training comprises 9 Units of distance learning
with individual tutor support. (700 pages)
Additionally you receive extensive information and handouts you can give to your own clients after the training has concluded.
The training includes Distance learning and Tutor support and then additionally 10 hours of Skype with Camera or 2 day face to face training (5 hours a day) for in depth practical applications of BioMagnetic Healing with Hands.
New for 2023. We included how to conduct Distance Healing into the Practitioner Training. (Formerly only available on the Advanced Practitioner Level)
The following summarizes in short what you will be able to experience in each Healing with Hands Unit.
Pre-study time via distance learning can take up to one year to complete.
Then we continue with the practical part
After 2 days or 10 hours of face to face or Skype training you receive an internationally recognized Certification in Healing Magnetism, accredited by the International Institute for Complementary Therapists. That means that as a graduate of this BioMagnetic Healing course you will eligible to receive professional membership and practitioner insurance for your business. Upon successful completion of the course assignments and practical part you will: Receive the BioMagnetic Healing with Hands Practitioner Certification. Be eligible to join the international Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) Receive a 'Certified BioMagnetic Healing with Hands Practitioner' badge which you can use on your website.
with individual tutor support. (700 pages)
Additionally you receive extensive information and handouts you can give to your own clients after the training has concluded.
The training includes Distance learning and Tutor support and then additionally 10 hours of Skype with Camera or 2 day face to face training (5 hours a day) for in depth practical applications of BioMagnetic Healing with Hands.
New for 2023. We included how to conduct Distance Healing into the Practitioner Training. (Formerly only available on the Advanced Practitioner Level)
The following summarizes in short what you will be able to experience in each Healing with Hands Unit.
- Unit 1. (40 Pages) BioMagnetic Energy. What meaning does it have for us? Understand the Laws of the Cosmos. Law of Reciprocal Action, Law of Movement, Law of Balance and Law of Attraction of the Homogeneous Species and how it applies to body and to the soul. What is the inner Voice? Difference between intellect, spirit and soul. Body Meridians. What holds body/soul and spirit together?
- Unit 2. (22 Pages) Understand the coming into being of elementary particles. You will grasp where the force that sustains all of creation and enables BioMagnetic Healing, is coming from. The human aura and proper energy flow between different levels of the aura. The concept of Healing Light
- Unit 3. (43 Pages) You will learn how we can help the body via the spirit and the absorption of healing light. What supports the health of cells (other than physical influences). BioMagnetic field of the heart and exercise to balance the heart field. Thoughts and effects on health. Findings of quantum physics relating to Healing Magnetism
- Unit 4. (47 pages) How we can detect blockages in the aura. Learning how to cleanse and energize the aura (exercise). Magnetism what you learnt at school and how we can build on that. Magnetic fields. Reincarnation and effects on aura. Tasks of a magnetic healer and how to fulfill them. Why it is important to work on ourselves and our own energy field first in order to be able to conduct beneficial healing sessions.
- Unit 5. (66 Pages) How we and all nature is embedded in magnetism. Anton Mesmer, the re-discoverer of Healing Magnetism. Energy communication with the body. What is the difference between spiritual awake human beings and intellectuals and why is that important for our practice? What is healing with animistic force? What is healing with spiritual power? How can we open ourselves to receive healing energy to guide on? Otherworldly helpers and elemental beings. What is real and what is fiction.
- Unit 6 (104 Pages and 90 Pages of special printouts you can give to your clients with guidelines to conduct self-help and treatment of others) Speciality areas: Helping clients with stress, anxiety, fear. Significance of light and a well-ordered magnetic field. The activity of elemental beings and healing helpers and how you can connect to them. Preparing your space of healing. Treatment with color frequency. Goal setting. Significance of blood radiation. Dangers of artificial or material aids in healing sessions. Help clients to word their troubles. Effects of inner pictures and metaphors on health. Helping clients to communicate positively with their own body to enhance health and wellbeing. Finding the root cause of an illness or problem. Case studies. Setting goals for your Healing Practice. Treating a trauma with Healing Magnetism. Testing the energy field of a client for disturbances using your own hands.
- Unit 7. (101 Pages) Anton Mesmer and his discoveries about health. What is clairvoyance and why clairvoyance is not necessary to become a good Healing Magnetism practitioner. More about nature beings and how we can discover their existence and significance. The importance of the blood radiation in illness and how to use Healing Magnetism for autistic children, developmental disorders, depression, schizophrenia, in cases of possession or foreign energetic attacks and more. How to deal with clients suffering from these issues. Energetic parasites and how to remove them from a client's aura. Important considerations when working with clients, in order to stay free of their stresses.
- Unit 8. (115 Pages) In this Unit you will be introduced to a variety of Treatment approaches. The Ethereal Bridge Treatment, Intuitive Perception Empowerment Treatment, Transition Treatment, Organ field and Pain Origins Treatment, Polarity Treatment, Chakra Treatment and the Healing Radiation Bath and more. How to use these methods in combination. Practicing self-treatment. We also occupy ourselves with the difference of intellectual focus compared to the guidance of the heart/intuitive perception and why in Healing Magnetism we need to use intuition. We learn about the process and the art of dying.
- Unit 9. (133 Pages) Widening our knowledge. Discovering Threads of Light Above us and how we can use the Healing Energy that is embedded into the Cosmos for health and wellbeing. The significance of the Law of Gravity for humans in terms of a spiritual key. The personal spiritual nature of the Healing Magnetism Practitioner and his/her effect on clients. Protecting yourself in healing sessions and staying refreshed throughout the whole session and afterwards. More insights about treatment of clients and in depth practice guidelines. The seven attitude that are important for a Healing Practitioner. Finding clients. Preparation for the practical part. Session outline Welcome-Testing-Treatment-Transition. NEW FOR 2024 Additional guidelines for how to conduct Distance Healing sessions worldwide.
Pre-study time via distance learning can take up to one year to complete.
Then we continue with the practical part
After 2 days or 10 hours of face to face or Skype training you receive an internationally recognized Certification in Healing Magnetism, accredited by the International Institute for Complementary Therapists. That means that as a graduate of this BioMagnetic Healing course you will eligible to receive professional membership and practitioner insurance for your business. Upon successful completion of the course assignments and practical part you will: Receive the BioMagnetic Healing with Hands Practitioner Certification. Be eligible to join the international Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) Receive a 'Certified BioMagnetic Healing with Hands Practitioner' badge which you can use on your website.
Below Video. See Edel show some hand movements to a student
![]() Your tutor: Edeltraud Grace
Dear Edel,
I have thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of this BMH course. The course content resonated with me like nothing else has ever resonated! This is no exaggeration.
I very much appreciate the structure of the learning throughout the 9 Units of the course. Each question takes place directly after the relevant content has been absorbed, as opposed to a long series of questions placed at the end of each Unit. This is a wonderful pedagogic technique, which facilitates learning and retention, and also eliminates any possible feelings of overwhelm that one might have been faced with, if presented with a long series of questions at the very end of the Unit.
I also very much appreciated the incredibly detailed and useful feedback in the corrections. The corrections, comments and feedback were returned very promptly, and were always totally relevant. In fact I have felt wonderfully supported and mentored throughout this entire process.
I admire very much the balance of history, science, theory, spirituality and practicality that this course offers. There seemed to me to be an effortless flow as I traversed these apparently disparate and yet totally unified learnings, with no sense of struggle or strain. Even the elements that I have never felt comfortable with previously, namely physics and quantum physics, I seemed to absorb with relative ease.
I felt very comfortable being able to express myself totally in the Unit questions. I was able to communicate in a free and completely uncensored way. This is in direct contradiction with many previous forms of study, where I have felt judged and reduced into a certain rigidity of structure and form, unable to fully develop my ideas or express myself fluently. A normally rather reluctant student, I found myself approaching each day of my BMH studies with a genuine sense of love, enthusiasm and achievement.
Thank you Edel for this amazing, instructive and enlightening course in Healing Magnetism! It has transformed my life, and I cannot recommend it more highly!
Michelle Clemons
This BioMagnetic Healing with Hands Training is also highly suitable as another tool in the practice of the Counselling, Psychotherapy, NLP, Life Coaching and mental health professional!