The discovery of the atom , this smallest building stone of the material Creation, makes it easier for us to understand the new, magnificent radiation picture of the cosmos, because every atomic nucleus emits rays. Hence all unions of atoms, be they things of the earth, the human body or the suns, stars and planets, must also have the most manifold of radiations. Scientific research comes ever nearer to the knowledge of the radiations working in the cosmos. Thus the invisible radiation-belt surrounding the earth has been discovered, as it has also been found that our solar world forms a huge electromagnetic force-field that is subject to the Law of Gravity.
As in the largest so in the smallest and the concept we are dealing with here is about the human radiation that is also expressed in the language, when for instance someone says: "His whole being radiates peace and serenity." Everyone can sense/feel the aura of another person, although we are unable to see it with our physical eyes.
The core of a human being is surrounded by several coverings. His final covering is the physical body. We can picture the various coverings as skins placed one inside another, as in an onion.
In earthman the radiations of the finer coverings, together with the radiations of the physical body, form a combination which results in a colourful wreath of radiations, called by some aura and by others od, the "fluid" that surrounds man. With this radiation wreath he determines the strength of the waves for the vibrations which he absorbs out of the cosmic radiation-system.
The combination of radiations must always be harmonious, so that the inward spirit in man can develop fully in the World of Matter.
Healing Magnetism restores the harmonious and orderly connection between the different coverings of a human being. Blockages are removed and energy added where needed.
The concept of the human aura, or radiation, is thousands of years old, and clairvoyants of all times have been able to see it.
It is also expressed in the language, when for instance someone says: "His whole being radiates peace and serenity."
The human radiation is communicated to objects which man carries about with him, and to his writings, as well as to photographs, something which is in fact well-known and made use in various fields.
For instance we use photographs during distance healing sessions and also to choose the resonating Bach Flower Remedies for our clients.
In illness the radiation changes. Mediumistic people are able to recognise in the radiation-wreath that hidden seat of disease which has given rise to the physically visible disease in the first place, something we test and focus on in individual sessions too without conducting any physical diagnosis.
Also read about the human aura
As in the largest so in the smallest and the concept we are dealing with here is about the human radiation that is also expressed in the language, when for instance someone says: "His whole being radiates peace and serenity." Everyone can sense/feel the aura of another person, although we are unable to see it with our physical eyes.
The core of a human being is surrounded by several coverings. His final covering is the physical body. We can picture the various coverings as skins placed one inside another, as in an onion.
In earthman the radiations of the finer coverings, together with the radiations of the physical body, form a combination which results in a colourful wreath of radiations, called by some aura and by others od, the "fluid" that surrounds man. With this radiation wreath he determines the strength of the waves for the vibrations which he absorbs out of the cosmic radiation-system.
The combination of radiations must always be harmonious, so that the inward spirit in man can develop fully in the World of Matter.
Healing Magnetism restores the harmonious and orderly connection between the different coverings of a human being. Blockages are removed and energy added where needed.
The concept of the human aura, or radiation, is thousands of years old, and clairvoyants of all times have been able to see it.
It is also expressed in the language, when for instance someone says: "His whole being radiates peace and serenity."
The human radiation is communicated to objects which man carries about with him, and to his writings, as well as to photographs, something which is in fact well-known and made use in various fields.
For instance we use photographs during distance healing sessions and also to choose the resonating Bach Flower Remedies for our clients.
In illness the radiation changes. Mediumistic people are able to recognise in the radiation-wreath that hidden seat of disease which has given rise to the physically visible disease in the first place, something we test and focus on in individual sessions too without conducting any physical diagnosis.
Also read about the human aura