Here you find an extract from the conversation with Steven Susanto, the father of two autistic children. He and his wife apply Biomagnetic Healing everyday to their children and experience massive improvement.
Perhaps the following conversation might be useful for parents of Autistic children.
First contact on the 11. May 2014
Steve: Can't find a better word for the explanation than splendid. I've two children. Both are boys (19 & 18) and they are both autistic. Can they be normalized by the use of magnetic healing, and if the answer is positive, how it works? Thanks beforehand for your attention and assistance.
My response:
Dear Steve,
In regards to your question..
I would like you to direct you to to give you a first idea of one of the effects of Biomagnetic Healing, although the effect also extent further. I have to send you more information tomorrow as I am due to Mothers day a bit limited in time today.
But yes, it definitely can help a lot!
Warm regards
Second response to Steve:
Dear Steve,
I got a bit more time still.
So in regards to your question: Can they be normalized by the use of magnetic Healing, and if the answer is positive, how it works?
Unfortunately am I unable to give you a promise of healing as I do not know if there are other factors besides a dis-order in the biomagnetic field that contribute to your boys diagnosis. Nevertheless without knowing your boys, what I found is that very often it can be normalized, as often the reason for such developmental disturbances can be due to emotional, traumatic, small or large shocks or long-term stress. Through such stresses the free flow of energy is hindered through a disturbance in the way the separate layers of our encasements interact with each other, where through such shocks the spiritual encasements withdraw as a the more precious part or the magnetic connection between separate bodies “abberate”. People then have the appropriate feelings of standing besides themselves and this can lead to extreme dissociation, when people have no real access to their centre. They are not properly in their body. I see this a lot with children and young people.
Another factor that brings autistic symptoms is a blockage residing in the so called bridge function between solar plexus and frontal brain. When a blockage is between these centres it results in many symptoms which are associated with what we describe as autism.
Do you have more questions?
With warm regards
Steve’s Reply:
Ms. Edeltraud,
Thank you so much for your answer. I am apologizing for asking you questions on the mother's day, and hence appreciate your making time for me.
Obviously, no promise is necessary as we deal with healing. Your answer is quite crucial to me as this is truly a new yet reasonable interpretation of the standard classification of autism under the name of pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). With your help, PDD simply means a dis-order (I'm so used to taking the word "disorder" for granted without realizing different mental implications in my mind when I split the word into two: dis & order: thanks Edeltraud) in the bio-magnetic field that contributes to the abnormality of their behaviours owing to their abnormal functioning in their Central Nervous System.
I've been doing research in the field of autism as my children are all autistic. I think you're right that they suffer developmental disturbances (this is a new term for me to use) attributable to emotional, traumatic, or shocking experiences during their childhood (or even when they were still in the womb of my wife/their mother). This trauma may result in persistent stress (as reflected in muscle tensions?). Consequently, the free flow of energy is interrupted.
Of interest is your explanation that "the separate layers of our encasements interact with each other, where through such shocks the spiritual encasements withdraw as a the more precious part or the magnetic connection between separate bodies “aberrates.” However, I don't really understand when you cited "People then have the appropriate feelings of standing besides themselves and this can lead to extreme dissociation, when people have no real access to their center."
My answer to Steve:
I mean with this that people feel they stand outside themselves and this is exactly what is happening on finer levels as the bodies (we do have ever finer bodies surrounding our physical body.)
Our physical body is connected via radiation first to that what we call Astral body and then to the Soul body, finer animistic body and eventually Light body or Spirit body (This is who we are in our core and what we are here to develop). In case of shock and trauma what can happen is that the connection from soul body to the astral body is disrupted. Therefore the person although connected to the physical body feels s/he is not properly connected to the physical body but feels as if standing outside of themselves. They also cannot properly integrate spiritual impulses into the earthly as all is really not properly connected. I see this with many young people and if this is treated there can be major shifts in health and wellbeing. This is what I would suggest YOU give to your children first.
In the book: Biomagnetic Healing with your Hands you can find the hand placements or I also can show you via Skype if necessary.
Perhaps you think that you cannot give this to your children, but I believe you can. I did my first treatment on a 15 year old girl who was seriously ill due to anorexia and I only had just finished reading the instructions about how to conduct Biomagnetic Healing sessions. Her father begged me to help her and my intuition was that she needed Biomagnetic Healing. I was not formally trained in it at all. I gave her one nerve treatment and her condition changed abruptly for the better. Two more nerve treatments and to the astonishment of her doctor and psychiatrist she got in a very short time completely over her anorexia and this is now 1.5 years ago and she is still very well.
Steve's reply: What follows after this sentence "They are not properly in their body." sounds reasonable to me, and thus digestible.
Ms. Edeltraud, what should be done when a blockage lies in between frontal lobe and solar plexus?
My reply to Steve: In this case, which also most likely is very important for your children, the Harmonising Bridge Treatment is important. Also here, if you are in reasonable health, I do believe you could give this yourself your children yourself, if you need my help, please ask me.
Conversation continued. 14th May 2014
On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 5:09 PM, Steve wrote:
Dear Ms. Edeltraud,
Today is a holiday, a national holiday: Waisak, the Buddhist Holy day or Buddhas (Geburtstag I guess?). This holiday gives an opportunity to do what is important. I'll try to answer your questions one by one.
We (my wife & myself) have 2 children. Both of are boys, and both were diagnosed as autistic. The first –James Alexander—was born on March 1, 1995, and the second –John Abraham—on September 28, 1996. Both were borne through a caesarean section, the delivery of a baby through a cut (incision) in the mother's belly and uterus due to a problem with the placenta or umbilical cord. I guess this unnatural delivery is the first problem but there was not much of a choice for us. “Once caesarean the rest is also caesarean” applies to John, with him being delivered perhaps on the 39th week while James on the 36th week. At present, we’re not sure of the precise week, but to our hunch, James was too early for less than a fortnight), while John too late for less than a fortnight
James grew up as a cheerful baby and we were so pleased and proud of having him. At that time, the word “autism” was totally strange, a term only few knew around 1995/96. James grew up as an intelligent boy to flatter myself, as I personally taught him how to read before he aged 1. He managed to read before he reached 1 but at the age of about 3.5 or less, he regressed so significantly, no thanks to the immunization program the Government promotes. I'm aware I'm bringing up an arguable issue.
John exhibited a strange behavior with him tending to stand upside down with his head on the bed. Of concern to us was that he sounded no voice up to the age of about 2. Unlike James who was so talkative, John was muted, and used his hands to drag us or our hands to a place he desired us (mostly my wife as I worked during the week) to pick
something for him. James talked but didn’t communicate while John didn’t talk but he communicated.
We were confused with their odd behaviors that by now we know of their autistic traits. Included are echolalia, tiptoeing, hand-flapping, preoccupied with spinning objects, no eye contact or avoid eye contact, no interest in other beings (babies), couldn’t catch our words, and all other criteria cited in the DSM V (Diagnostic and Statistical Methodology V, the latest DSM issued last year).
I was so depressed because of their conditions, and began my search for what was going on with my sons’ bodies. New terms kept coming to overwhelm me. I began communicating with those in possession of rich knowledge about this weirdness (autism). We brought James and John to the doctors. The first was a psychiatrist who pronounced the verdict of autism. We also sought second thought and met with the most famous med doctor in the field of autism in Indonesia (now and then): Melly Budiman who also concluded like the first doctor.
It was in 1998, as I remembered as then Indonesia entered the dark episode in its history with the country utterly chaotic, no thanks to the Asian Crisis that hit my country. Massive layoffs occurred ubiquitously with inflation soaring sky-high (70%) and interest rates also spiking in sympathy with the tailspin of our currency after plunging uncontrollably from Rp2,500/US$ to Rp17,000/US$ resulting in our GDP shrinking -14%. The country ran havoc with me out of job and on the watch (alert) for preparing ourselves for the unpredictable.
Given this sober backdrop, I had a chance to see how James behaved in a class. He couldn’t sit still, always on the moves. He refrained himself from the crowd. Day by day I observed James whose performance and appearance deteriorated, and month after month led to the judgment day when at the end of the year, his teacher met me to tell that she had to sack him and advised me to send him to a school for mentally retarded children, a hit to my heart. At night I couldn’t sleep with me unaware that my tears dropped down.
It was a decisive moment that knocked me down. John added to the relentless of problems wife and I had to assume. We questioned why God chose us to take this heavy burden.Yet, only a decade after this shock, could we accept the challenge, the formidable one, to shoulder the, to shoulder the Cross. My wife and I are both Catholic, the minority in this nation. Now we shoulder the Cross with elation.
Both children of ours belong to the category specified in the DSM V with their autistic traits more than necessary to confirm the criteria as I described above. In 1999, we brought both boys to training centers. It was not easy for us to get into the training because there were only a limited # of autism centers that offer ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis based on Lovaas) while the line of autistic kids queuing for the class kept rising astronomically. As though there was an explosion then, but, in retrospect, it was only an eruption as compared to periods after 2000 that demonstrated the explosion in the # of autistic children not only in Indonesia, but all over the world.
Allow me also to tell me about my career that coincided with the oscillation in our life. In the fourth quarter of 1997, I felt so restless because of what was going on in my country. I jotted down an article and sent it to the most famous magazine in Asia then that now no longer exists (Far Eastern Economic Review) to tell my policymakers that a crisis was in the offing and I changed my work with me working as translator and editor for the Central Bank, a temporary job that helped us survived up to the last quarter of 1999 when I moved to a state-owned enterprise in the field of brokerage and investment bank. I served as an economist. And my career progressed quire rapidly.
I was well remunerated with fringe benefit I could barely complain. Notwithstanding, in early 2000, because I had to pay for the ABA training (40 hours/week for each boy of ours, with each costing IDR50.000/hour) plus supplementation (mega doses vitamin with B6 or pyridoxine plus Bi, B3, & B12, C, A, E, and others that I presently forgot) and minerals (zinc, magnesium, calcium, and other strange names). The bodies of our boys, especially James, were vulnerable with us getting our mentally prepared to send them to the emergency room of the hospital at any single time.
Grace, I’ll continue soon as I’ve got to go errant now.
From: Steve
Sent: Friday, 16 May 2014 4:59 AM
Ms. Edeltraud,
Allow me to continue my answer that was interrupted by urgent matters.
Resumption: All my salary evaporated so rapidly for medication and ABA training and consultation. In fact, at about 2000-2001, we had to sell two houses of ours to fund our children’s needs. Physically I was exhausted with inadequate amount of sleep. We leased a house for us to live in a residential house where the training center existed. On and off we had to rush our children to the hospital.
My career continued to climb with me getting a salary hike and bones but this path had to be paid with longer hours for me to equip myself with what was needed. At the same time, I also had to spend time on my boys. Also, I used after-office hours to dig up the knowledge of autism that’s loaded with intimidating medical jargons. That’s how I evolved up to mid 2004 when I learned new methods advocated by Glenn Doman. I took a class in Singapore in around 2005 and studied autism from a different approach that treats autism as a mere label to describe typical symptoms but that has nothing to do with the cause. The cause is either the lack of or surplus of oxygen with the former more prominent & pronounced.
In 2005 onwards, we no longer adopted and applied the ABA psychological approach that proved inefficient and ineffective at to our children. The Glenn Doman approach requires that the boys have to undergo a physical exercise to stimulate the growth of their brains (in terms of creating synapses). Coincidentally, we managed to build a new house that we’ve been living up to now since my career continued to progress with me able to climb the ladder up to the VP position when I was charged to assume as CEO in the research institute. After 4 years of renting (not sure of this is the right term of leasing alternatively with apology for my poor English), eventually we have a house again, bigger than two houses of ours that we sold in mid 2000 or early 2001.
Unfortunately, there was a major change in the leadership of this state-owned coy with me getting sacked politically. I stopped my career there in mid-2006 and assumed a new role as a country representative of a Tokyo-based investment coy. Our life and lifestyle changed saliently as I entered a fully private-owned coy where changes can happen instantaneously.
Mentally and spiritually, after having been “re-shaped or re-molded,” our mindset also altered with us no longer cursing ourselves (my wife has been very positive and plays a major role in calming my raging temper). We or I more appropriately are/am no longer bitter. I joined the bandwagon driven by Mira, my wife, to see this ordeal as an assignment from Him for us to perform with Him assisting us in every single step we take. Now I can shoulder the Cross with glee.
In 2006, I began helping other parents of autistic children. I traveled from one city to another in Java. I visited several big cities to share my experience in handling special-needs children or brain-injured children, a term Glenn Doman introduced us. My research, at the same time, continued as I had a host of perplexing problems, issues, and dilemmas.
I questioned a lot of things in the field of mind, brain, consciousness, conscience, will, emotion, sensory organs, motor functions. Day and night I hit books and ebooks in search of answers whether autistic children are a new species, homo sapiens or homo rudis, the difference between mind and brain (as well as consciousness) as my boys appeared before like mindless kids, why they were not aware of themselves, who were they?, why were there humans with no human capabilities 1). unable to read, 2). hear normally, & 3) sense objects to identify them, three from sensory organs; 4) speak meaningfully; 5) walk in a bipedal fashion,& 6) write manually, three from motor functions.
I researched those intriguing & mind-boggling questions vigorously up to now. In this quest, I found magnetism, and I learned mesmerism, magnetism, and fascination, a search that brought me to get to know Andreas T. He also introduced me to Johanna and you. Specifically I learnt about magnetism and mesmerism because my first son suffered from epilepsy or seizure since we moved to the house that has been housing us since 2005. In this arena, I’ve got a handful of questions I’d like to ask you, but I think I’d rather pause for a while on the wait for your reply.
I’m sorry if this letter proves lengthier than expected. This is something so close to my heart. Once I jot it down, my fingers move in an auto-pilot manner. I’m sorry if this explanation sounds unsystematic or to like gobbledygook. Please do tell me if some parts look indigestible to you. I do understand your explanation and thank you for this. Now is almost 2:00 o’clock AM, and it’s time for me to call the day, as tomorrow (I meet today) morning I’ve to get up early to deal routines. Thank you so much Ms. Edeltraud. Good night.
Best wishes with respect, regards, and gratitude,
On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 8:25 PM, Edeltraud Grace< [email protected]>wrote:
Hello Steve,
Thank you for sharing with me a lot from your life story. I tried to read it “care-fully”.
What are J A and John A doing during the day? How do they interact with each other? Have you ever “felt”
from your side a “connection” to their soul or did you feel all the time that the soul was not really properly present in the bodies, as I get this impression from what you wrote. More next page....
What do you feel is the difference between them both now as when they were very young there seemed to have been a vital difference, while James was beyond the years and John was straight away acting unusual? Do they have a connection to each other that you can observe or feel?
I personally strongly believe, I am convinced that even if we label someone as ill or handicapped, the soul/spirit is still there as healthy as we are, but the Soul is unable to properly “use” the body. I assume this is the case with your boys.
What do you feel is the difference between them both now as when they were very young there seemed to have been a vital difference, while James was beyond the years and John was straight away acting unusual? Do they have a connection to each other that you can observe or feel?
I personally strongly believe, I am convinced that even if we label someone as ill or handicapped, the soul/spirit is still there as healthy as we are, but the Soul is unable to properly “use” the body. I assume this is the case with your boys.
Could you possibly send a current image from both?
Why do you believe James the older one has seizures since you live in the current house?
The treatments they up to now received were based the way I understood mainly then on Behaviour Therapy and physical aspects, inclusive nutritional or in the last case it was about oxygen too much or too little in the brain. So all methods were literally only based on behavioural therapy and physical body.
I leave it at the moment and just wait for what you will reply, if this is okay.
Best regards Edel
Dear Edel,
I’m sorry for misinterpreting your surname. I’m so used to taking Grace as a nickname. And thank you so much for fully reading my son’s story with care. On this weekend, I’m glad I can make use of the time to write about our brain-injured children. We’re so lucky to get generous assistance from you and obviously we do appreciate your kindness. Let me resume and try to answer your questions one by one.
Ja and Jo don’t go to school. They used to go to a private school that has a separate division for special-needs children. It’s equivalent to elementary school. It took approximately a couple of years (2 or 3 years) from mid-2004 to mid-2007 (according to my wife) or mid-2006 (according to me).
Quitting from School
There are two reasons why we decided to withdraw them from their school. The first is time priority as applying the Glenn Doman method requires a whole day exercise. To mention some, both Ja& Jo should crawl 1.2 km a day, creep 2.4 km a day, brachiate (hang on a bar), etc. To meet the requirements, we split the target into 8 times, but this time allocation consumes the whole day. In other words, it’s impossible to reach the target if they have to spend more than 5 hours in school.
The second reason is a bitter reality. Ja was bullied. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for us to see a salient difference in his behavior and investigated right away, and found this obnoxious behavior of his friends from normal class instead of the class for special-needs children. With the first reason urging us subliminally to make up our minds, the second prompted us immediately to pull them out of school.
Applying Glenn Doman at home
8 years have passed now. Both Ja and Jo (JJ) have been studying at home. We no longer apply Glenn Doman (GD) method to them but I’ve got to say that Glenn Doman proves effective. In retrospect, I’d say the ABA therapy proves ineffective and inefficient for our boys, with marginal progress only any. Gradually, the health of JJ improved with them becoming not as susceptible as before, and their intelligence began to come up. I’d like to think that the heavy GD physiological exercise helps stimulate the growth of their dendrites and thus promotes new synapses.
Their significant progress encourages me to help share my knowledge, skills, and attitude with other parents of autistic children. Indeed, in 2006, I went out from one big city to another in the Java island and Bali. I introduced GD method that proves much cheaper than other methods but efficacious. What’s needed is only parents’ time to accompany their autistic kid in crawling, creeping, walking, running, and other activities as programmed.
Ja & Jo used to live separately in a sense they didn’t communicate with each other. Ja is extrovert and kept talking but most of what he uttered was meaningless. I call it silly talk. Jo on the other hand is introvert. He talked but he isn’t talkative.
Jo, the Sailor Boy
Oooh, perhaps I forgot telling about Jo. In my previous emails, I told you that Jo was unable to speak verbally. We, with the help of our helpers, prompted, pushed, & encouraged him to speak up. Our helpers, we had 3 helpers who stayed inside our house
and slept with JJ, kept asking Jo to say something but he remained silent, probably unable to meet our wish. However, one thing was clear. He did understand us.
One day when I drove a car with my wife and Ja, I whistled a song from a film that Jo loves very much: Popeye the sailor boy. My hands were still at the steer when I whistled that song, and toward the end of the song, I heard a voice saying “tut tut.” I was stunned as I’ve never heard that voice. I came from behind me, and in a second, I hit the brake abruptly & suddenly. Yes, that “tut tut” came from Jo’s mouth, and my wife who sat next to Jo at the back (Ja sat next to me in front). I repeated the rhythm and whistled again on a purpose with the eyes of mine and my wife’s focusing on Jo’s mouth and yes he did reiterated the magic response mystically: tut tut. We were full of elation to note Jo began to speak up verbally at the age of around 3 years old as if we won a lottery. With a sigh of relief, we cited Praise the Lord.
Sensory Issues
With Jo no longer muted, life changed for the better for us albeit a series of hurdles we’ve got to deal with. Both JJ had (and have now but at the lesser extent at present) different sensory problems: difference in magnitude not in substance. Ja is with eyes & ears, while Jo is with his ears. Ja used to see an object unclearly: when he reads newspapers he used his fingers to focus on the line he’s staring at, without which words above or below the words he reads distract his visual sight. Ja up to now can’t stand high pitch or volume. He closes his ears with his hands whenever the voice of anything is high or rises.
Jo has audio problems. He couldn’t and can’t hear voices from other people, including us, clearly. Of late we noticed he’s more able to listen to what we say. What’s so special about Jo is his ability to see what we can’t see. I’m talking about objects of higher dimensions. When we go to plaza, supermarket, department stores, or other public places, there are some areas that he doesn’t want to go. Even inside our house, Jo avoids some places. We observe frequently how he doesn’t want to look at certain places inside the house. This is of concern to us, and I’ll go back to this when I explain about Jas’ seizure.
Communication between Ja & Jo
Over the last 5 years or so, Ja and Jo began to talk to one another. Ja is always the initiator, asking Jo to repeat what he says, most of which are about advertisement from TV. This repetitive approach by Ja often upsets Jo with Jo attacking or hitting Ja once he’s angry. Ja doesn’t or never retaliates. I’m enclosing their photos during their childhood and nowadays. You can also see them and us (my wife and I) at my Facebook account, with my email: …………..You can visit my photo gallery or at my wall with me, M, and JJ in one of the photos displayed.
Both of them stay at home. They used to take a class for piano but has stopped since about 2 years ago since the private teacher was expecting and gave birth, and decided not to teach JJ or other pupils of hers. JJ have been taking classes for Kumon (Japanese Mathematics & English), twice a week, each for an hour with laborious& time-consuming homework. Their levels in match are commensurate with those of normal students.
Their day-to-day activities are, if they don’t go to Kumon, playing computers. Ja is so fond of watching you tube while Jo is playing game with our tablet (Android). I’m aware that these activities are not healthy, but I’m also at the turn of life. Financially, we live in a limited tight budget, unlike before, as I’m trying to build a biz of my own but failed a couple of times. I’m now 55 going on 56, and I want to make the rest of my (and our) life the best of mine and ours. I’ll get back to you on this account later on, as I’m embarking on this issue of seizure & epilepsy.
I have to take a brake now for an hour or two for doing my housework. I’m attaching a couple of photos of JJ.
To: Edeltraud Grace
Subject: Re: [SPAM] Re: Biomagnetic Healing
Dear Edel,
My mind has been so magnetically preoccupied with the questions you posed, but I've got to compromise with reality as I ought to meet my daily rituals that are necessary but not as important as responding to the robust magnetic pull from our chat. Let me resume.
I think I’ve responded to the first two questions, and I’d like to address the next questions:
Have you ever “felt” from your side a “connection” to their soul or did you feel all the time that the soul was not really properly present in the bodies, as I get this impression from what you wrote.
Somehow I feel connected but this feeling is hard to describe. I do miss them when I’m abroad or outside the city, but I’ve got to be frank with you if I’m not really sure of what you mean by “connection,” but I always feel that they don’t feel at home at their own bodies, or templates as I’m used to terming bodies.
My reply to Steve: Yes, they do not feel at home in their body. I tested them via distance means, and no surprise it shows that the astral body is not properly connected to soul body. It shows on their back, where the kundalini channel is. This would need treatment via magnetic therapy. Also there are MAJOR disturbances in their electro magnetic field in the Solar Plexus and head area, the so called Bridge area. This means the connection between solar plexus, where the astral and soul body is connected via the so called silver cord is massively disturbed and therefore are not properly connected to soul and
therefore the impulses from soul/spirit cannot be properly transferred via the “bridge” to the back brain and then frontal brain. Magnetic therapy is needed for this area.
The good news is, it shows and that it can be treated via biomagnetic healing and that I expect to have a positive impact.
Steve's reply: Ja shows this; he’s not a master of his own body. His right arm didn’t seem to belong to him, but, he’s been regaining ground with him now much more able to feel his feet and arms. Only recently, no sooner than last year, could Ja exhibit his ability to move his legs and arms deliberately.
My reply: Great that he made progress. Also a polarity treatment would then be beneficial.
Steve: Both of us (my wife & I) are so pleased to underline his conspicuous progress in utilizing his body. Ja starts to feel at home, or, in your more precise words, his soul commences to get entangled with his body. I don’t use the term “integration,” since I think they (soul & body) have not been fully integrated.
My reply: This can be supported with the biomagnetic healing treatment!
Steve: Your terminology –the soul was not really properly present in the bodies—is so critical in my understanding of the problem besetting my children. Most of the autistic people face similar issues.
My reply: This is interesting. It would be also interesting to test other childrens biomagnetic field.
Steve: They don’t feel at home at their respective body, this separation of mind and body is underpinned by their difficulty or inability to make use of the words “I and you.” Both boys of ours up to now remain unclear with them preferring using their nick name to denote themselves even though their difficulty is now not as severe as before, or years before. With your description, the dots start connecting more lucidly before my eyes.
My reply: Yes, I am sure that biomagnetic healing treatments would be a wonderful additional approach for your children now.
Steve: Notwithstanding, both JJ have progressed significantly in perceiving their own bodies. They gradually are learning to feel the presence of their bodies. Jo knows his body much better than his brother does. He can help Ja when Ja gets confused with setting his shirt with buttons in terms of identifying which one back or front. That Jo helped Ja spontaneously happens only this year with me smiling in glee to observe them from a far.
My question to Steve: What do you feel is the difference between them both now as when they were very young there seemed to have been a vital difference, while Ja was beyond the years and Jo was straight away acting unusual? Do they have a connection to each other that you can observe or feel?
Steve's answer: You wrote: "I personally strongly believe, I am convinced that even if we label someone as ill or handicapped, the soul/spirit is still there as healthy as we are, but the Soul is unable to properly “use” the body. I assume this is the case with your boys."
There is a mountain of difference in the way they live between now and then, say a decade ago:
My question to Steve: Do they have a connection to each other that you can observe or feel?
Steve's answer: Both are divinely entangled, but their entanglement is subtle enough, and so far remains unilateral, from Jo to Ja. Jo can read “situations” much better than Ja, and Jo is able to feel what we feel. In your lexicon, Jo’s soul is more “integrated” with his body although the level of integration is not yet complete or mature or proper. I’m not really certain if my “reading” is correct, and please kindly advise me, since this is a new venture for me, an exciting one for sure.
Ja’ mind-body connection is worse than Jo. Only recently has he begun to know that his limbs belong to him. In terms of empathy and/or sympathy, Ja lags behind Jo, as Ja at times appears too “engrossed,” with his activity. I’m not sure if he can pay attention to one’s conditions. One pleasant fact, nevertheless, merits a mention: when I’m outside of Jakarta or
Indonesia, both JJ mentioned “papa” (that’s the way they call me). That they missed me genuinely pleases me, and I call it a hallmark of progress.
Edel, you cited that “I personally strongly believe, I am convinced that even if we label someone as ill or handicapped, the soul/spirit is still there as healthy as we are, but the Soul is unable to properly “use” the body. I assume this is the case with your boys.” Your inference is so encouraging and I fully subscribe to your conclusion. I feel so spirited and sanguine to read it. -J You locate the problem at the right juncture: the Soul is unable to properly “use” the body.
My reply to Steve: Yes.
Steve's reply: But, does it mean that the cure is supposedly to integrate the Soul inside their body, or, in my awkward vocabulary, to “embody” the soul into their respective template, a physical body of theirs that is loaded with heavy metals, notably mercury, lead, and aluminum, etc., or a physiological body that is so “tensed, “tense,” or “uptight,” or “stressful,” owing to stress?
My reply: To encourage that the soul can connect in a natural and healthy manner, the way nature has intended it to be. This on its own will also relieve stress as can you imagine how stressful this is if you metaphorically speaking want to drive a car, but you are not sitting in the drivers seat but one leg outside, perhaps an arm outside, just not sitting properly in the car at all? This is how they must feel, I suppose. I would naturally still also make sure that the physical body gets proper nutrition and so on. Plus if you are talking about stress, in my vision Flower Essences which are also usually quite cost effective to get, would also be beneficial. But one after another. I would first now do Biomagnetic Healing for your children and observe what happens.
Steve's reply: This is the trajectory I recently passed it with me (prematurely, probably) concluding the Cortisol from the activation of sympathetic nervous system fails to return to where it belongs since the parasympathetic nervous system is unable to bring back the child’s homeostatic condition. Forgive me if there is much speculation on this issue as I’m as perplexed as I can be.
My reply: NO this is a major thing, I believe a ordered Biomagnetic field can influence this dis-order in a positive way, eventually with GOD’s help and GRACE bring it back into complete ORDER. Stress is automatically much reduced.
Steve's reply: If your well formulated resolution appears coherent to me, shall I say that the subsequent move should be to help direct the Soul into the body? If the blockages are resolved, the body magnetised, the soul will in my view connect automatically in a healthy way to the body. I personally am naturally not aware in how far Karma or other influences would disturb such a path? And how should we do that if my first-hand interpretation sounds logical? It might not be logical though and I’m mentally prepared to rectify my mistake, for this is not an academic exercise to pass an exam; it’s a quest for a resolution to my children’s problems. You’re so pivotal for me to establish and foster a better understanding of the issues plaguing James & John.
My answer: So, in my personal opinion Steve, did you come to the same conclusion that also I have. The next step is definitely for us, should this be in your sense, to find a do-able way to “give” your children such a biomagnetic healing treatment.
I've got to take another brake again, but shall continue tonight. Thanks Edel for everything you've done for my family, especially James& John. Talk to you soon.
Perhaps the following conversation might be useful for parents of Autistic children.
First contact on the 11. May 2014
Steve: Can't find a better word for the explanation than splendid. I've two children. Both are boys (19 & 18) and they are both autistic. Can they be normalized by the use of magnetic healing, and if the answer is positive, how it works? Thanks beforehand for your attention and assistance.
My response:
Dear Steve,
In regards to your question..
I would like you to direct you to to give you a first idea of one of the effects of Biomagnetic Healing, although the effect also extent further. I have to send you more information tomorrow as I am due to Mothers day a bit limited in time today.
But yes, it definitely can help a lot!
Warm regards
Second response to Steve:
Dear Steve,
I got a bit more time still.
So in regards to your question: Can they be normalized by the use of magnetic Healing, and if the answer is positive, how it works?
Unfortunately am I unable to give you a promise of healing as I do not know if there are other factors besides a dis-order in the biomagnetic field that contribute to your boys diagnosis. Nevertheless without knowing your boys, what I found is that very often it can be normalized, as often the reason for such developmental disturbances can be due to emotional, traumatic, small or large shocks or long-term stress. Through such stresses the free flow of energy is hindered through a disturbance in the way the separate layers of our encasements interact with each other, where through such shocks the spiritual encasements withdraw as a the more precious part or the magnetic connection between separate bodies “abberate”. People then have the appropriate feelings of standing besides themselves and this can lead to extreme dissociation, when people have no real access to their centre. They are not properly in their body. I see this a lot with children and young people.
Another factor that brings autistic symptoms is a blockage residing in the so called bridge function between solar plexus and frontal brain. When a blockage is between these centres it results in many symptoms which are associated with what we describe as autism.
Do you have more questions?
With warm regards
Steve’s Reply:
Ms. Edeltraud,
Thank you so much for your answer. I am apologizing for asking you questions on the mother's day, and hence appreciate your making time for me.
Obviously, no promise is necessary as we deal with healing. Your answer is quite crucial to me as this is truly a new yet reasonable interpretation of the standard classification of autism under the name of pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). With your help, PDD simply means a dis-order (I'm so used to taking the word "disorder" for granted without realizing different mental implications in my mind when I split the word into two: dis & order: thanks Edeltraud) in the bio-magnetic field that contributes to the abnormality of their behaviours owing to their abnormal functioning in their Central Nervous System.
I've been doing research in the field of autism as my children are all autistic. I think you're right that they suffer developmental disturbances (this is a new term for me to use) attributable to emotional, traumatic, or shocking experiences during their childhood (or even when they were still in the womb of my wife/their mother). This trauma may result in persistent stress (as reflected in muscle tensions?). Consequently, the free flow of energy is interrupted.
Of interest is your explanation that "the separate layers of our encasements interact with each other, where through such shocks the spiritual encasements withdraw as a the more precious part or the magnetic connection between separate bodies “aberrates.” However, I don't really understand when you cited "People then have the appropriate feelings of standing besides themselves and this can lead to extreme dissociation, when people have no real access to their center."
My answer to Steve:
I mean with this that people feel they stand outside themselves and this is exactly what is happening on finer levels as the bodies (we do have ever finer bodies surrounding our physical body.)
Our physical body is connected via radiation first to that what we call Astral body and then to the Soul body, finer animistic body and eventually Light body or Spirit body (This is who we are in our core and what we are here to develop). In case of shock and trauma what can happen is that the connection from soul body to the astral body is disrupted. Therefore the person although connected to the physical body feels s/he is not properly connected to the physical body but feels as if standing outside of themselves. They also cannot properly integrate spiritual impulses into the earthly as all is really not properly connected. I see this with many young people and if this is treated there can be major shifts in health and wellbeing. This is what I would suggest YOU give to your children first.
In the book: Biomagnetic Healing with your Hands you can find the hand placements or I also can show you via Skype if necessary.
Perhaps you think that you cannot give this to your children, but I believe you can. I did my first treatment on a 15 year old girl who was seriously ill due to anorexia and I only had just finished reading the instructions about how to conduct Biomagnetic Healing sessions. Her father begged me to help her and my intuition was that she needed Biomagnetic Healing. I was not formally trained in it at all. I gave her one nerve treatment and her condition changed abruptly for the better. Two more nerve treatments and to the astonishment of her doctor and psychiatrist she got in a very short time completely over her anorexia and this is now 1.5 years ago and she is still very well.
Steve's reply: What follows after this sentence "They are not properly in their body." sounds reasonable to me, and thus digestible.
Ms. Edeltraud, what should be done when a blockage lies in between frontal lobe and solar plexus?
My reply to Steve: In this case, which also most likely is very important for your children, the Harmonising Bridge Treatment is important. Also here, if you are in reasonable health, I do believe you could give this yourself your children yourself, if you need my help, please ask me.
Conversation continued. 14th May 2014
On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 5:09 PM, Steve wrote:
Dear Ms. Edeltraud,
Today is a holiday, a national holiday: Waisak, the Buddhist Holy day or Buddhas (Geburtstag I guess?). This holiday gives an opportunity to do what is important. I'll try to answer your questions one by one.
We (my wife & myself) have 2 children. Both of are boys, and both were diagnosed as autistic. The first –James Alexander—was born on March 1, 1995, and the second –John Abraham—on September 28, 1996. Both were borne through a caesarean section, the delivery of a baby through a cut (incision) in the mother's belly and uterus due to a problem with the placenta or umbilical cord. I guess this unnatural delivery is the first problem but there was not much of a choice for us. “Once caesarean the rest is also caesarean” applies to John, with him being delivered perhaps on the 39th week while James on the 36th week. At present, we’re not sure of the precise week, but to our hunch, James was too early for less than a fortnight), while John too late for less than a fortnight
James grew up as a cheerful baby and we were so pleased and proud of having him. At that time, the word “autism” was totally strange, a term only few knew around 1995/96. James grew up as an intelligent boy to flatter myself, as I personally taught him how to read before he aged 1. He managed to read before he reached 1 but at the age of about 3.5 or less, he regressed so significantly, no thanks to the immunization program the Government promotes. I'm aware I'm bringing up an arguable issue.
John exhibited a strange behavior with him tending to stand upside down with his head on the bed. Of concern to us was that he sounded no voice up to the age of about 2. Unlike James who was so talkative, John was muted, and used his hands to drag us or our hands to a place he desired us (mostly my wife as I worked during the week) to pick
something for him. James talked but didn’t communicate while John didn’t talk but he communicated.
We were confused with their odd behaviors that by now we know of their autistic traits. Included are echolalia, tiptoeing, hand-flapping, preoccupied with spinning objects, no eye contact or avoid eye contact, no interest in other beings (babies), couldn’t catch our words, and all other criteria cited in the DSM V (Diagnostic and Statistical Methodology V, the latest DSM issued last year).
I was so depressed because of their conditions, and began my search for what was going on with my sons’ bodies. New terms kept coming to overwhelm me. I began communicating with those in possession of rich knowledge about this weirdness (autism). We brought James and John to the doctors. The first was a psychiatrist who pronounced the verdict of autism. We also sought second thought and met with the most famous med doctor in the field of autism in Indonesia (now and then): Melly Budiman who also concluded like the first doctor.
It was in 1998, as I remembered as then Indonesia entered the dark episode in its history with the country utterly chaotic, no thanks to the Asian Crisis that hit my country. Massive layoffs occurred ubiquitously with inflation soaring sky-high (70%) and interest rates also spiking in sympathy with the tailspin of our currency after plunging uncontrollably from Rp2,500/US$ to Rp17,000/US$ resulting in our GDP shrinking -14%. The country ran havoc with me out of job and on the watch (alert) for preparing ourselves for the unpredictable.
Given this sober backdrop, I had a chance to see how James behaved in a class. He couldn’t sit still, always on the moves. He refrained himself from the crowd. Day by day I observed James whose performance and appearance deteriorated, and month after month led to the judgment day when at the end of the year, his teacher met me to tell that she had to sack him and advised me to send him to a school for mentally retarded children, a hit to my heart. At night I couldn’t sleep with me unaware that my tears dropped down.
It was a decisive moment that knocked me down. John added to the relentless of problems wife and I had to assume. We questioned why God chose us to take this heavy burden.Yet, only a decade after this shock, could we accept the challenge, the formidable one, to shoulder the, to shoulder the Cross. My wife and I are both Catholic, the minority in this nation. Now we shoulder the Cross with elation.
Both children of ours belong to the category specified in the DSM V with their autistic traits more than necessary to confirm the criteria as I described above. In 1999, we brought both boys to training centers. It was not easy for us to get into the training because there were only a limited # of autism centers that offer ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis based on Lovaas) while the line of autistic kids queuing for the class kept rising astronomically. As though there was an explosion then, but, in retrospect, it was only an eruption as compared to periods after 2000 that demonstrated the explosion in the # of autistic children not only in Indonesia, but all over the world.
Allow me also to tell me about my career that coincided with the oscillation in our life. In the fourth quarter of 1997, I felt so restless because of what was going on in my country. I jotted down an article and sent it to the most famous magazine in Asia then that now no longer exists (Far Eastern Economic Review) to tell my policymakers that a crisis was in the offing and I changed my work with me working as translator and editor for the Central Bank, a temporary job that helped us survived up to the last quarter of 1999 when I moved to a state-owned enterprise in the field of brokerage and investment bank. I served as an economist. And my career progressed quire rapidly.
I was well remunerated with fringe benefit I could barely complain. Notwithstanding, in early 2000, because I had to pay for the ABA training (40 hours/week for each boy of ours, with each costing IDR50.000/hour) plus supplementation (mega doses vitamin with B6 or pyridoxine plus Bi, B3, & B12, C, A, E, and others that I presently forgot) and minerals (zinc, magnesium, calcium, and other strange names). The bodies of our boys, especially James, were vulnerable with us getting our mentally prepared to send them to the emergency room of the hospital at any single time.
Grace, I’ll continue soon as I’ve got to go errant now.
From: Steve
Sent: Friday, 16 May 2014 4:59 AM
Ms. Edeltraud,
Allow me to continue my answer that was interrupted by urgent matters.
Resumption: All my salary evaporated so rapidly for medication and ABA training and consultation. In fact, at about 2000-2001, we had to sell two houses of ours to fund our children’s needs. Physically I was exhausted with inadequate amount of sleep. We leased a house for us to live in a residential house where the training center existed. On and off we had to rush our children to the hospital.
My career continued to climb with me getting a salary hike and bones but this path had to be paid with longer hours for me to equip myself with what was needed. At the same time, I also had to spend time on my boys. Also, I used after-office hours to dig up the knowledge of autism that’s loaded with intimidating medical jargons. That’s how I evolved up to mid 2004 when I learned new methods advocated by Glenn Doman. I took a class in Singapore in around 2005 and studied autism from a different approach that treats autism as a mere label to describe typical symptoms but that has nothing to do with the cause. The cause is either the lack of or surplus of oxygen with the former more prominent & pronounced.
In 2005 onwards, we no longer adopted and applied the ABA psychological approach that proved inefficient and ineffective at to our children. The Glenn Doman approach requires that the boys have to undergo a physical exercise to stimulate the growth of their brains (in terms of creating synapses). Coincidentally, we managed to build a new house that we’ve been living up to now since my career continued to progress with me able to climb the ladder up to the VP position when I was charged to assume as CEO in the research institute. After 4 years of renting (not sure of this is the right term of leasing alternatively with apology for my poor English), eventually we have a house again, bigger than two houses of ours that we sold in mid 2000 or early 2001.
Unfortunately, there was a major change in the leadership of this state-owned coy with me getting sacked politically. I stopped my career there in mid-2006 and assumed a new role as a country representative of a Tokyo-based investment coy. Our life and lifestyle changed saliently as I entered a fully private-owned coy where changes can happen instantaneously.
Mentally and spiritually, after having been “re-shaped or re-molded,” our mindset also altered with us no longer cursing ourselves (my wife has been very positive and plays a major role in calming my raging temper). We or I more appropriately are/am no longer bitter. I joined the bandwagon driven by Mira, my wife, to see this ordeal as an assignment from Him for us to perform with Him assisting us in every single step we take. Now I can shoulder the Cross with glee.
In 2006, I began helping other parents of autistic children. I traveled from one city to another in Java. I visited several big cities to share my experience in handling special-needs children or brain-injured children, a term Glenn Doman introduced us. My research, at the same time, continued as I had a host of perplexing problems, issues, and dilemmas.
I questioned a lot of things in the field of mind, brain, consciousness, conscience, will, emotion, sensory organs, motor functions. Day and night I hit books and ebooks in search of answers whether autistic children are a new species, homo sapiens or homo rudis, the difference between mind and brain (as well as consciousness) as my boys appeared before like mindless kids, why they were not aware of themselves, who were they?, why were there humans with no human capabilities 1). unable to read, 2). hear normally, & 3) sense objects to identify them, three from sensory organs; 4) speak meaningfully; 5) walk in a bipedal fashion,& 6) write manually, three from motor functions.
I researched those intriguing & mind-boggling questions vigorously up to now. In this quest, I found magnetism, and I learned mesmerism, magnetism, and fascination, a search that brought me to get to know Andreas T. He also introduced me to Johanna and you. Specifically I learnt about magnetism and mesmerism because my first son suffered from epilepsy or seizure since we moved to the house that has been housing us since 2005. In this arena, I’ve got a handful of questions I’d like to ask you, but I think I’d rather pause for a while on the wait for your reply.
I’m sorry if this letter proves lengthier than expected. This is something so close to my heart. Once I jot it down, my fingers move in an auto-pilot manner. I’m sorry if this explanation sounds unsystematic or to like gobbledygook. Please do tell me if some parts look indigestible to you. I do understand your explanation and thank you for this. Now is almost 2:00 o’clock AM, and it’s time for me to call the day, as tomorrow (I meet today) morning I’ve to get up early to deal routines. Thank you so much Ms. Edeltraud. Good night.
Best wishes with respect, regards, and gratitude,
On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 8:25 PM, Edeltraud Grace< [email protected]>wrote:
Hello Steve,
Thank you for sharing with me a lot from your life story. I tried to read it “care-fully”.
What are J A and John A doing during the day? How do they interact with each other? Have you ever “felt”
from your side a “connection” to their soul or did you feel all the time that the soul was not really properly present in the bodies, as I get this impression from what you wrote. More next page....
What do you feel is the difference between them both now as when they were very young there seemed to have been a vital difference, while James was beyond the years and John was straight away acting unusual? Do they have a connection to each other that you can observe or feel?
I personally strongly believe, I am convinced that even if we label someone as ill or handicapped, the soul/spirit is still there as healthy as we are, but the Soul is unable to properly “use” the body. I assume this is the case with your boys.
What do you feel is the difference between them both now as when they were very young there seemed to have been a vital difference, while James was beyond the years and John was straight away acting unusual? Do they have a connection to each other that you can observe or feel?
I personally strongly believe, I am convinced that even if we label someone as ill or handicapped, the soul/spirit is still there as healthy as we are, but the Soul is unable to properly “use” the body. I assume this is the case with your boys.
Could you possibly send a current image from both?
Why do you believe James the older one has seizures since you live in the current house?
The treatments they up to now received were based the way I understood mainly then on Behaviour Therapy and physical aspects, inclusive nutritional or in the last case it was about oxygen too much or too little in the brain. So all methods were literally only based on behavioural therapy and physical body.
I leave it at the moment and just wait for what you will reply, if this is okay.
Best regards Edel
Dear Edel,
I’m sorry for misinterpreting your surname. I’m so used to taking Grace as a nickname. And thank you so much for fully reading my son’s story with care. On this weekend, I’m glad I can make use of the time to write about our brain-injured children. We’re so lucky to get generous assistance from you and obviously we do appreciate your kindness. Let me resume and try to answer your questions one by one.
Ja and Jo don’t go to school. They used to go to a private school that has a separate division for special-needs children. It’s equivalent to elementary school. It took approximately a couple of years (2 or 3 years) from mid-2004 to mid-2007 (according to my wife) or mid-2006 (according to me).
Quitting from School
There are two reasons why we decided to withdraw them from their school. The first is time priority as applying the Glenn Doman method requires a whole day exercise. To mention some, both Ja& Jo should crawl 1.2 km a day, creep 2.4 km a day, brachiate (hang on a bar), etc. To meet the requirements, we split the target into 8 times, but this time allocation consumes the whole day. In other words, it’s impossible to reach the target if they have to spend more than 5 hours in school.
The second reason is a bitter reality. Ja was bullied. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for us to see a salient difference in his behavior and investigated right away, and found this obnoxious behavior of his friends from normal class instead of the class for special-needs children. With the first reason urging us subliminally to make up our minds, the second prompted us immediately to pull them out of school.
Applying Glenn Doman at home
8 years have passed now. Both Ja and Jo (JJ) have been studying at home. We no longer apply Glenn Doman (GD) method to them but I’ve got to say that Glenn Doman proves effective. In retrospect, I’d say the ABA therapy proves ineffective and inefficient for our boys, with marginal progress only any. Gradually, the health of JJ improved with them becoming not as susceptible as before, and their intelligence began to come up. I’d like to think that the heavy GD physiological exercise helps stimulate the growth of their dendrites and thus promotes new synapses.
Their significant progress encourages me to help share my knowledge, skills, and attitude with other parents of autistic children. Indeed, in 2006, I went out from one big city to another in the Java island and Bali. I introduced GD method that proves much cheaper than other methods but efficacious. What’s needed is only parents’ time to accompany their autistic kid in crawling, creeping, walking, running, and other activities as programmed.
Ja & Jo used to live separately in a sense they didn’t communicate with each other. Ja is extrovert and kept talking but most of what he uttered was meaningless. I call it silly talk. Jo on the other hand is introvert. He talked but he isn’t talkative.
Jo, the Sailor Boy
Oooh, perhaps I forgot telling about Jo. In my previous emails, I told you that Jo was unable to speak verbally. We, with the help of our helpers, prompted, pushed, & encouraged him to speak up. Our helpers, we had 3 helpers who stayed inside our house
and slept with JJ, kept asking Jo to say something but he remained silent, probably unable to meet our wish. However, one thing was clear. He did understand us.
One day when I drove a car with my wife and Ja, I whistled a song from a film that Jo loves very much: Popeye the sailor boy. My hands were still at the steer when I whistled that song, and toward the end of the song, I heard a voice saying “tut tut.” I was stunned as I’ve never heard that voice. I came from behind me, and in a second, I hit the brake abruptly & suddenly. Yes, that “tut tut” came from Jo’s mouth, and my wife who sat next to Jo at the back (Ja sat next to me in front). I repeated the rhythm and whistled again on a purpose with the eyes of mine and my wife’s focusing on Jo’s mouth and yes he did reiterated the magic response mystically: tut tut. We were full of elation to note Jo began to speak up verbally at the age of around 3 years old as if we won a lottery. With a sigh of relief, we cited Praise the Lord.
Sensory Issues
With Jo no longer muted, life changed for the better for us albeit a series of hurdles we’ve got to deal with. Both JJ had (and have now but at the lesser extent at present) different sensory problems: difference in magnitude not in substance. Ja is with eyes & ears, while Jo is with his ears. Ja used to see an object unclearly: when he reads newspapers he used his fingers to focus on the line he’s staring at, without which words above or below the words he reads distract his visual sight. Ja up to now can’t stand high pitch or volume. He closes his ears with his hands whenever the voice of anything is high or rises.
Jo has audio problems. He couldn’t and can’t hear voices from other people, including us, clearly. Of late we noticed he’s more able to listen to what we say. What’s so special about Jo is his ability to see what we can’t see. I’m talking about objects of higher dimensions. When we go to plaza, supermarket, department stores, or other public places, there are some areas that he doesn’t want to go. Even inside our house, Jo avoids some places. We observe frequently how he doesn’t want to look at certain places inside the house. This is of concern to us, and I’ll go back to this when I explain about Jas’ seizure.
Communication between Ja & Jo
Over the last 5 years or so, Ja and Jo began to talk to one another. Ja is always the initiator, asking Jo to repeat what he says, most of which are about advertisement from TV. This repetitive approach by Ja often upsets Jo with Jo attacking or hitting Ja once he’s angry. Ja doesn’t or never retaliates. I’m enclosing their photos during their childhood and nowadays. You can also see them and us (my wife and I) at my Facebook account, with my email: …………..You can visit my photo gallery or at my wall with me, M, and JJ in one of the photos displayed.
Both of them stay at home. They used to take a class for piano but has stopped since about 2 years ago since the private teacher was expecting and gave birth, and decided not to teach JJ or other pupils of hers. JJ have been taking classes for Kumon (Japanese Mathematics & English), twice a week, each for an hour with laborious& time-consuming homework. Their levels in match are commensurate with those of normal students.
Their day-to-day activities are, if they don’t go to Kumon, playing computers. Ja is so fond of watching you tube while Jo is playing game with our tablet (Android). I’m aware that these activities are not healthy, but I’m also at the turn of life. Financially, we live in a limited tight budget, unlike before, as I’m trying to build a biz of my own but failed a couple of times. I’m now 55 going on 56, and I want to make the rest of my (and our) life the best of mine and ours. I’ll get back to you on this account later on, as I’m embarking on this issue of seizure & epilepsy.
I have to take a brake now for an hour or two for doing my housework. I’m attaching a couple of photos of JJ.
To: Edeltraud Grace
Subject: Re: [SPAM] Re: Biomagnetic Healing
Dear Edel,
My mind has been so magnetically preoccupied with the questions you posed, but I've got to compromise with reality as I ought to meet my daily rituals that are necessary but not as important as responding to the robust magnetic pull from our chat. Let me resume.
I think I’ve responded to the first two questions, and I’d like to address the next questions:
Have you ever “felt” from your side a “connection” to their soul or did you feel all the time that the soul was not really properly present in the bodies, as I get this impression from what you wrote.
Somehow I feel connected but this feeling is hard to describe. I do miss them when I’m abroad or outside the city, but I’ve got to be frank with you if I’m not really sure of what you mean by “connection,” but I always feel that they don’t feel at home at their own bodies, or templates as I’m used to terming bodies.
My reply to Steve: Yes, they do not feel at home in their body. I tested them via distance means, and no surprise it shows that the astral body is not properly connected to soul body. It shows on their back, where the kundalini channel is. This would need treatment via magnetic therapy. Also there are MAJOR disturbances in their electro magnetic field in the Solar Plexus and head area, the so called Bridge area. This means the connection between solar plexus, where the astral and soul body is connected via the so called silver cord is massively disturbed and therefore are not properly connected to soul and
therefore the impulses from soul/spirit cannot be properly transferred via the “bridge” to the back brain and then frontal brain. Magnetic therapy is needed for this area.
The good news is, it shows and that it can be treated via biomagnetic healing and that I expect to have a positive impact.
Steve's reply: Ja shows this; he’s not a master of his own body. His right arm didn’t seem to belong to him, but, he’s been regaining ground with him now much more able to feel his feet and arms. Only recently, no sooner than last year, could Ja exhibit his ability to move his legs and arms deliberately.
My reply: Great that he made progress. Also a polarity treatment would then be beneficial.
Steve: Both of us (my wife & I) are so pleased to underline his conspicuous progress in utilizing his body. Ja starts to feel at home, or, in your more precise words, his soul commences to get entangled with his body. I don’t use the term “integration,” since I think they (soul & body) have not been fully integrated.
My reply: This can be supported with the biomagnetic healing treatment!
Steve: Your terminology –the soul was not really properly present in the bodies—is so critical in my understanding of the problem besetting my children. Most of the autistic people face similar issues.
My reply: This is interesting. It would be also interesting to test other childrens biomagnetic field.
Steve: They don’t feel at home at their respective body, this separation of mind and body is underpinned by their difficulty or inability to make use of the words “I and you.” Both boys of ours up to now remain unclear with them preferring using their nick name to denote themselves even though their difficulty is now not as severe as before, or years before. With your description, the dots start connecting more lucidly before my eyes.
My reply: Yes, I am sure that biomagnetic healing treatments would be a wonderful additional approach for your children now.
Steve: Notwithstanding, both JJ have progressed significantly in perceiving their own bodies. They gradually are learning to feel the presence of their bodies. Jo knows his body much better than his brother does. He can help Ja when Ja gets confused with setting his shirt with buttons in terms of identifying which one back or front. That Jo helped Ja spontaneously happens only this year with me smiling in glee to observe them from a far.
My question to Steve: What do you feel is the difference between them both now as when they were very young there seemed to have been a vital difference, while Ja was beyond the years and Jo was straight away acting unusual? Do they have a connection to each other that you can observe or feel?
Steve's answer: You wrote: "I personally strongly believe, I am convinced that even if we label someone as ill or handicapped, the soul/spirit is still there as healthy as we are, but the Soul is unable to properly “use” the body. I assume this is the case with your boys."
There is a mountain of difference in the way they live between now and then, say a decade ago:
- They are much healthier and less vulnerable to antigens or external assaults in the form of germs, bacteria, viruses, or candida I suppose. On the photos they also look quite healthy.
- They are much smarter than before, with Ja much more conscious or aware than John but Jo more able to recognize patterns and thus conclude what he observes.
- They can understand us much more easily than hitherto.
- They are less abnormal or more normal than before, but I should underline my observation that autistic children are intrinsically abnormal in their growth in a sense that their default is arguably disorder instead of order as defined in DSM V as developmental disorder. I take it to mean their development is disorderly characterized by their inability to perform bipedalism, organic locomotion of their limbs. My discovery to test if one is autistic is one’s inability to run on the spot with right hand upward in parallel with left leg (foot), just like the way normal people like us do, or the other way round for the other half. Interesting, I also believe that a polarity treatment for autistic children would be really beneficial.
My question to Steve: Do they have a connection to each other that you can observe or feel?
Steve's answer: Both are divinely entangled, but their entanglement is subtle enough, and so far remains unilateral, from Jo to Ja. Jo can read “situations” much better than Ja, and Jo is able to feel what we feel. In your lexicon, Jo’s soul is more “integrated” with his body although the level of integration is not yet complete or mature or proper. I’m not really certain if my “reading” is correct, and please kindly advise me, since this is a new venture for me, an exciting one for sure.
Ja’ mind-body connection is worse than Jo. Only recently has he begun to know that his limbs belong to him. In terms of empathy and/or sympathy, Ja lags behind Jo, as Ja at times appears too “engrossed,” with his activity. I’m not sure if he can pay attention to one’s conditions. One pleasant fact, nevertheless, merits a mention: when I’m outside of Jakarta or
Indonesia, both JJ mentioned “papa” (that’s the way they call me). That they missed me genuinely pleases me, and I call it a hallmark of progress.
Edel, you cited that “I personally strongly believe, I am convinced that even if we label someone as ill or handicapped, the soul/spirit is still there as healthy as we are, but the Soul is unable to properly “use” the body. I assume this is the case with your boys.” Your inference is so encouraging and I fully subscribe to your conclusion. I feel so spirited and sanguine to read it. -J You locate the problem at the right juncture: the Soul is unable to properly “use” the body.
My reply to Steve: Yes.
Steve's reply: But, does it mean that the cure is supposedly to integrate the Soul inside their body, or, in my awkward vocabulary, to “embody” the soul into their respective template, a physical body of theirs that is loaded with heavy metals, notably mercury, lead, and aluminum, etc., or a physiological body that is so “tensed, “tense,” or “uptight,” or “stressful,” owing to stress?
My reply: To encourage that the soul can connect in a natural and healthy manner, the way nature has intended it to be. This on its own will also relieve stress as can you imagine how stressful this is if you metaphorically speaking want to drive a car, but you are not sitting in the drivers seat but one leg outside, perhaps an arm outside, just not sitting properly in the car at all? This is how they must feel, I suppose. I would naturally still also make sure that the physical body gets proper nutrition and so on. Plus if you are talking about stress, in my vision Flower Essences which are also usually quite cost effective to get, would also be beneficial. But one after another. I would first now do Biomagnetic Healing for your children and observe what happens.
Steve's reply: This is the trajectory I recently passed it with me (prematurely, probably) concluding the Cortisol from the activation of sympathetic nervous system fails to return to where it belongs since the parasympathetic nervous system is unable to bring back the child’s homeostatic condition. Forgive me if there is much speculation on this issue as I’m as perplexed as I can be.
My reply: NO this is a major thing, I believe a ordered Biomagnetic field can influence this dis-order in a positive way, eventually with GOD’s help and GRACE bring it back into complete ORDER. Stress is automatically much reduced.
Steve's reply: If your well formulated resolution appears coherent to me, shall I say that the subsequent move should be to help direct the Soul into the body? If the blockages are resolved, the body magnetised, the soul will in my view connect automatically in a healthy way to the body. I personally am naturally not aware in how far Karma or other influences would disturb such a path? And how should we do that if my first-hand interpretation sounds logical? It might not be logical though and I’m mentally prepared to rectify my mistake, for this is not an academic exercise to pass an exam; it’s a quest for a resolution to my children’s problems. You’re so pivotal for me to establish and foster a better understanding of the issues plaguing James & John.
My answer: So, in my personal opinion Steve, did you come to the same conclusion that also I have. The next step is definitely for us, should this be in your sense, to find a do-able way to “give” your children such a biomagnetic healing treatment.
I've got to take another brake again, but shall continue tonight. Thanks Edel for everything you've done for my family, especially James& John. Talk to you soon.